Thrift Haul! Christmas Sweaters and Jeans and Shoes, OH MY!

I’m REALLY cheap. So I usually don’t have much to speak of as far as a “Thrift Haul” would go. I tend to walk around at a thrift store, pick up everything I like, then sit down with it all, convince myself I don’t need it, put it back, and buy maybe one or two things.

But not today.

So, today, my local goodwill was TEEMING with Ugly Christmas Sweaters. Ya’ll. People pay a lot of money for these things. So, I was pretty amped about finding a bunch. They are in beautiful condition, barely worn, and I can totally resell them in my etsy shop after I wear them. What is better than that??? Here are my 3 Christmas beauties!




ALSO! For some reason, all the shoes were 25% off today and I found a super precious pair of Sam Edelman Ballet Flats that are my Sister-in-law’s size. Sam Edelman shoes are typically at least $100 at Neiman Marcus, if not more, so finding a pair in perfect condition for $4.00?? I was thrilled!


And then I found an awesome Aztec sweater with a teal dinosaur on it, and there’s no way I could leave it. It was way too awesome. I mean, Aztec AND a dinosaur?? Shut up and take my money.


I also picked up a super cute little frame that was brand new. I’ve been looking for something to put our first ultrasound picture in that was kind of vintage-y and cute. And this baby was only a dollar! It clearly had a sticker on it at some point that someone had tried to peel off without much luck, so I have the glass sitting in a bowl of warm soapy water. That sticker will be gone in no time!


PS: I also picked up a pair of maternity jeans cause sadly, my pants don’t really fit so well anymore 😦 But, I didn’t really feel like taking a picture of them. haha

SO, there you have it. Four sweaters, a picture frame, a pair of shoes, and a pair of maternity jeans all for $38.00. (Which the jeans alone would have cost, had I bought them new (which I never do) and again, I can resell those when I’m done with them!)

What do you think? Decent haul?

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DIY Watercolor Coffee Mugs!

So, I found a DIY tutorial awhile ago on how to make some really cool Watercolor Coffee Mugs, and all you need is 4 items!

1.) A mug

2.) A Bowl of warm water

3.) Nail Polish

4.) A Toothpick

I mean, most of us have all of those things in our home anyway! So, I buy plain mugs, whether white or another color, just as long as it’s a plain solid color, at places like the Dollar Tree or on sale at Target. Then I choose my colors. It’s best if you choose two colors that contrast or look good together so the watercolor marbleized effect looks the best.

SO. To keep credit where credit is due, I saw this DIY on Youtube by a girl named Audra Kurtz and here is the link This girl does a MUCH better job at explaining it than I would simply because she actually shows you step by step in a video and you have to move pretty quickly or your polish will set in the water and I knew I couldn’t take pictures fast enough. So watch the video! It’s not even 3 minutes long!

In case you can’t watch the video, here’s the run down. (But seriously, watch the video.)

1.) You’re going to start with a plastic bowl (like a tupperware container or one of those little containers that lunch meat comes in). Fill the bowl with warm water.

2.) Take your nail polish and pour it into the water. If you’re adding a second color, pour that in as well.

3.) Grab your toothpick and run it through the polish giving it more of a marbleized effect. But you have to be fast during this part because the nail polish WILL HARDEN so you can’t really “take your time,” So you have to move pretty quickly.

4.) Dip your mug into the water, directly into the polish and then remove it. This is another thing that needs to happen pretty quickly. Dip it straight in and pull it straight back out.

5.) Set the mug out to dry and leave it for 24 hours. Don’t touch it!

6.) Spray the mug down with a clear acrylic spray to seal the work 😀

And you’re all done!

I like to do these mugs and add quotes to them! Here are some pictures of mine!IMG_9312 IMG_9315IMG_9314

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And just so ya’ll know, these beauties are all for sale in my etsy store!

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This Post totally isn’t about Thrifting…

SO…I know that this blog is primarily about DIY and thrifting,

however, I have amazing, spectacular, exciting news that I MUST share with you!


Pregnancy AnnouncementYep! A tiny Baby Yaksh will be joining my husband and I next year in April!

But, don’t worry, all my DIY and thrift hauls are not going to suddenly become baby centralized, I will still be keeping to the original concept of the blog! There just might be some stuff thrown in geared more towards having a little one, or “dressing for your pregnancy shape” cause HOLY COW I already can’t wear my pants 😉

Short Post. Big News!

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