…Where the heck have you been?

So, it’s been a really long time since I blogged and I owe y’all a serious apology! But I can explain why I’ve been missing from the blogosphere! So, I blogged awhile back about how I was pregnant! (We’re super amped about it) however, I had a ROUGH first trimester. Like, me and my couch had a lot of close bonding time. I slept a lot and spent a lot of time pondering why my tiny child was trying to kill me.

Well, on top of being crazy sick during my first trimester, my husband was looking for a new job, and HOORAY, he found one! However, that meant, packing up our lives (quite quickly, actually) and move from the Atlanta south to Decatur Illinois. Yeah…We hadn’t heard of it either. 3 hours south of Chicago, 2.5 hours from St. Louis. Kinda small, super quaint, and the people are awesome.

And, in the middle of that move, I had a work trip to NYC and a Cruise with one of my best friends to The Bahamas (which we planned back in the summer before I even knew I was pregnant) so it was literally the most insane time to have a work trip or to have a vacation.

So, we’ve now moved about 650 miles and started our lives over. I’m now (almost) 20 weeks pregnant and we’ll know what we’re having soon! And I  swear I’ll get some DIY/Thrifting posts up soon!! I figured in the meantime, I could show you our super cute house! I’ll probably do a real house tour once everything is done, but at this point, we still have bags of trash in our living room, so give us some time 🙂

Here’s pictures from our cruise!

So, here we go! A baby house tour!V__71C9

Here’s our cute house! Three bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, and built in 1928! We love it!

WP_20151110_004 (Left) One of our cute little nooks!WP_20151110_002

(Above) Our fireplace and Mantle. CANT wait to decorate this baby for christmas! (And yes, that is Pocahontas playing on my tv.)


My office space! It needs a little love, but things like this take time! I am excited about all the potential in this house!

Thanks for your patience since I’ve been MIA for so long!

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