Let’s get Floral


Here’s a SUPER simple DIY for anyone wanting to add a little touch of floral into their daughter’s room/nursery, or even your own room! This would probably look super cute above your vanity or if you have a giant room for a closet! I was making mine for Violet’s nursery!

Here’s what you need:
-Wooden letter
-Silk Flowers
-Hot Glue Gun/Hot Glue
-Paint (If you want it.)

I got this “V” at Hobby Lobby for $3.99. It’s just a simple particle board V. They had larger ones but they (obviously) get more expensive the larger you get, and I was gonna cover it to make it cute anyway, so I didn’t really care that it was just particle board.

I looked at the silk flowers at Hobby Lobby but holy wow they were pricey. I could not even FATHOM spending the amount that I would have needed to spend to get all the flowers I wanted. They were anywhere from a $1.99 a stem (with literally only one flower on it) to $10.99 (with still only ONE flower on it.) So I quickly abandoned that idea and went to the Dollar Tree. For about ten bucks I bought a ton of silk flowers (and I actually bought wayyyy too many and had tons left. I’ve been using the extra flowers to make little baby headbands!)


Basically, this is the easiest DIY ever. Plug in your glue gun, grab your flowers and get to gluing! Whatever pattern you like! Could be completely random, could be ombre, let your creativity run wild! (One note: You WILL want to trim your flowers so that they are easier to glue down. If you leave little chunks of the stems they wont adhere easily.)


I was originally going to cover the entire “V” in flowers, but I realized after I started, that the V that I bought didn’t really have enough definition to it to cover it completely. the flowers would have just been too close together. So, I stopped using flowers about halfway up and decided to paint it white. After I painted it white, I added gold glitter for just a touch of sparkle.

I picked up a gold frame at a local thrift store for $7.00 and when I hung the V up, I hung the gold frame around it.


I typically do not spend $7.00 on a frame (that’s just too rich for my  blood) HOWEVER, it was the exact size I needed, the exact shape I wanted, and I’d looked at one at Hobby Lobby (that I would have still had to paint) and it was $40.00. I could never do $40. Ever. So, $7.00 seemed much more doable 🙂

So, there you have it! Easy as pie!

Screen Shot 2015-08-23 at 6.02.49 PM

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