My Liebster Award Nomination!


I owe Thrifterlust a GIANT “Thank you” for my Liebster Award Nomination! I was so surprised when I saw her post about it! (PS, go take a look at her blog, she’s got some cool stuff going on over there!)

So, essentially, the Liebster Award is (according to Google) an award “that is by bloggers, for bloggers. It’s passed from person to person to encourage connection and support within our writing community, and to aid in the discovery of new and upcoming bloggers.” It’s an award that gets passed on and on (sort of like a chain letter). Ya’ll I love this concept! Encouraging other bloggers to keep doing what they’re doing! To show people you appreciate what they’re doing, and keep the love going!

Here are the rules of the award:

  1. Thank the nominator.
  2. Display the award.
  3. Nominate 10 more bloggers with 10 new questions.
  4. Answer the questions.

My Nominees:

(So, I’m suppose to nominate 10 blogs, but I’ll be honest, I’m pretty new to the blogging world, and I’m still finding blogs that I love, so I only chose 5.)

Now, you guys should answer these questions!

  1. If you could do ANY project with an unlimited budget, what would it be?
  2. What is your favorite thing to find while thrifting?
  3. Coffee or tea?
  4. Favorite movie?
  5. What blog has inspired you most?
  6. What drew you to thrifting/upcycling in the first place?
  7. Dogs or Cats?
  8. City or Country?
  9. Movie or a live play?
  10. Favorite TV series?

Here are the questions I was asked!

1. You walk into a bar, what do you order? Water and a Dirty Shirley!
2. Which celebrity do you wish you had his/her phone number? There are several! Jennifer Lawrence, Stephen Amell, Zachary Levi
3. Are you a dog or cat person? Both! I love Dogs, but I currently have a cat. She’s a diva, but she’s precious.
4. Do you believe in love at first sight? I’d like to say “no” because it sounds ridiculous, but when I met my husband for the first time, I knew he was the one 😀
5. What couldn’t you possibly go a day without? Talking to my Husband
6. What song is currently playing on repeat for you right now? “How to return home” by Kerrigan & Lowdermilk
7. What is your all time favorite quote and why? “Love makes this house a home.” Several reasons, First; Because my grandmother loved that quote and had cross stitched it into a piece of cloth that my mom gave me for Christmas last year. Secondly because it’s just so true! A house is just four walls until you fill it with people you love!
8. What is your favorite body part? On myself? My eyes. On other people? I love a strong jaw. (I know, weird.)
9. If you could throw any type of party, what would it be for and why? I’m an introvert, throwing a party sounds like a lot of stress and anxiety for me! haha
10. What is the ultimate goal for your blog? If I help one person figure out that they don’t have to spend a fortune to look nice, or have nice things, then I’m happy with my blog.

And again! A GIANT Thank you to Thrifterlust for my nomination!!!