Thrift Haul-January 13th

SO, today I had some time to run out to a few thrift stores and see what goodness I could find, and let me tell you, the thrifting odds were ever in my favor! I was hoping to find some things to help me organize my craft room (my weekend organization project) which I did, but I found SO MUCH MORE!

I went to a thrift store that I hadn’t been to before and y’all, all their baby clothes were .59¢. FIFTY-NINE CENTS. I won’t bore you with pictures, but I got 1 shirt, 2 onesies, 3 pairs of pants, and 4 cardigans for about $6.00. Yeah, you read that right. SIX DOLLARS for TEN items for my daughter.  Seriously, that’s awesome. But, I also got these two vintage pictures for 59¢ a piece and I’m in LOVE with them.ThriftHaul_08

I also picked up this vintage suitcase for $2.00 that I’m going to use in my craft room to store all my wrapping paper, gift bags, and tissue paper.


So, after I left “New Life Thrift Store” I headed over to “Blessingdales Thrift Shop” and was able to find some awesome deals on clothes! Since I’m pregnant, finding comfortable clothes that accommodate my growing belly is harder than it seems. Maternity clothes at thrift stores are usually really ugly, and buying them new is really expensive. And I’m just not paying $45.00 for a pair of jeans I’m only gonna wear for another 3 months! It’s just not worth it for me. So, at the second store I went to, I was amped to find clothes that were cute, affordable, and comfortable. Not to mention! I found leggings that look exactly like Cords. (Like, I thought they were cords until I picked them up!) The sweater was .99¢, Maternity shirt and Vest were $1.50, Leggings were $2.00. Total-About $6.00

I also picked up this little vintage case for .75¢! I’m going to use this for my craft room organization as well.


My “Splurge” of the day was this blue plaid double breasted Old Navy Peacoat that was $6.00. I typically don’t spend that much on any one item but this one fit really well and since I just moved to a MUCH colder climate, warm coats are a necessity, and a necessity that I don’t want to spend $50+ on.


So, there you have it! My Thrift Haul of the day! I’m super proud of my new finds!