Outfit Of The Day…From Two Weeks Ago!

So, I took pictures of this outfit the day I wore it because it was too cute not to, however, I neglected to ever get it posted and I figured today is as good a day as any!SAM_2116

I got this awesome Marvel crop top at Plato’s Closet for $3.00!!!! I don’t typically shop at Platos but I ran in one day and came out with two shirts that are LESS than what they charge at Goodwill! (The goodwill here charges $5 for shirts, I pretty much only buy them on half price days!) I fell in love with the top and couldn’t leave it there.

The skirt is vintage from a thrift store I used to work at in Savannah. Paid $1.50! Got it for half price, but I would have paid full price on this beauty! It matches EVERYTHING!

I threw on a skinny braided yellow belt that I got at that same Savannah Thrift store for $1.00!

I paired it with these Versace sandals that were a gift HOWEVER, they were off a resale consignment website for $50. Which is above what I pay for shoes, but is an awesome deal for Versace 😀



So, there you have it! A whole outfit for $5.50 (not including the shoes, bc they were a gift)!

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