DIY Harry Potter Crib Mobile

It took me awhile to decide what kind of Mobile I wanted in our Nursery. I’d seen lots of cute stuff, but nothing that seemed quite right for us. My nursery color scheme is Pink, Grey, and Gold and I didn’t really wanna stray too much from that, and I tend to find a lot of nursery stuff really, really childish. Yes, I know, the nursery is for a child, however, I just can’t handle too much of it. So I decided to go with something both my Husband and I would love and something that I could make myself. So, Harry Potter it is!


There will be several sets of instructions here to kind of break it down into smaller, more manageable DIY sections.

PART ONE: Make your Broomsticks!

So, I ended up making several of these, and only ended up using one in my actual mobile. I’ll probably end up using the other broomsticks for something else in the nursery later. Here’s what you need for your Broomsticks: Several small dowels, Raffia (I got mine in the floral section of Hobby Lobby), a glue gun and glue sticks, a box cutter, and twine.


Start by scoring your dowels to make them smaller. I scored them all the way around with my box cutter and once I’d scored them, I just broke them in half with my hands. Then I cleaned up the rough edges with the box cutter so it wasn’t going to give anyone a splinter. After the dowels are cut you want to color/paint (whatever tickles your fancy) them. I used markers on a few, crayons on some, and colored pencils on some. I wasn’t sure what I wanted them to look like so I tried all three.

Next take a large section of Raffia in your hand and begin wrapping it around your fingers so that you’re holding it with both the bottom and the top appearing to be rounded. Using just a dot of hot glue to keep it in place, begin to wrap the twine around the raffia more towards the bottom to create the look of the straw section of a broomstick. Use another dot of the glue to secure the end of the twine in place.


Once the twine is wrapped around the raffia, you’ll have a smaller loop on one end, and a larger loop on the other. You want to cut those so the “loops” of Raffia are gone and it’s just the strands. I then cut them to keep them all even. Find the center of the bottom of your raffia so you know where to insert your dowel. Putting a bit of hot glue on the end of your dowel, place it into the end of the raffia and hold it until it hardens. Viola! You’ve got your Broomsticks done!


PART 2: Creating your Winged Keys!

Here’s what you need for your winged keys: Skeleton Keys (Either vintage or reproductions. I purchased reproduced keys that were simply made to look old off ebay. I just wasn’t willing to spend the money on actual vintage keys. These keys were only $3.00!), Wing patterns, Transparent bead illusion cord (or good old fashion fishing line), Hot glue, and Transparent Vellum Paper.


Start by finding what kind of wings you want your keys to have. I used everything from Dragonfly to Butterfly to Angel wings! I wanted each of them to have their own bit of personality. I will happily send you a PDF or Word Document of my wings if you’d like to use mine. Print your wings in various and assorted sizes onto some printable vellum paper. Vellum paper is a bit pricey (I got mine at Staples and it was $16.00) I typically don’t spend that much, however, I knew this was going to be the best way to keep the wings transparent while still being durable. So I broke down and spent the cash.

Once your wings are printed, you’ll need to cut them out. It’s easiest if you leave a section of the vellum in the center to attach the key onto. But some wings have to be cut separately, in that case, I glued the wings together. Once you’ve cut your wings you’ll want to use your hot glue to attach your wings to your keys.

For the ring that you’ll attach these keys to, I bought a cross-stitching ring and used the center ring! I spray painted it gold so reflect the color in the keys (and my nursery accent color).

PART THREE: Assemble your mobile!

Once you’ve got your keys made, your broomsticks made, and your ring painted, it’s time to assemble your mobile! Use your clear fishing line to attach your keys and broomsticks to the ring. Any design is a good design so get creative! Then attach either ribbon or twine to four areas of the top and join them together at a loop knot to make a hanger for your mobile. And there you have it! A Harry Potter Flying Key Mobile!





…Where the heck have you been?

So, it’s been a really long time since I blogged and I owe y’all a serious apology! But I can explain why I’ve been missing from the blogosphere! So, I blogged awhile back about how I was pregnant! (We’re super amped about it) however, I had a ROUGH first trimester. Like, me and my couch had a lot of close bonding time. I slept a lot and spent a lot of time pondering why my tiny child was trying to kill me.

Well, on top of being crazy sick during my first trimester, my husband was looking for a new job, and HOORAY, he found one! However, that meant, packing up our lives (quite quickly, actually) and move from the Atlanta south to Decatur Illinois. Yeah…We hadn’t heard of it either. 3 hours south of Chicago, 2.5 hours from St. Louis. Kinda small, super quaint, and the people are awesome.

And, in the middle of that move, I had a work trip to NYC and a Cruise with one of my best friends to The Bahamas (which we planned back in the summer before I even knew I was pregnant) so it was literally the most insane time to have a work trip or to have a vacation.

So, we’ve now moved about 650 miles and started our lives over. I’m now (almost) 20 weeks pregnant and we’ll know what we’re having soon! And I  swear I’ll get some DIY/Thrifting posts up soon!! I figured in the meantime, I could show you our super cute house! I’ll probably do a real house tour once everything is done, but at this point, we still have bags of trash in our living room, so give us some time 🙂

Here’s pictures from our cruise!

So, here we go! A baby house tour!V__71C9

Here’s our cute house! Three bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, and built in 1928! We love it!

WP_20151110_004 (Left) One of our cute little nooks!WP_20151110_002

(Above) Our fireplace and Mantle. CANT wait to decorate this baby for christmas! (And yes, that is Pocahontas playing on my tv.)


My office space! It needs a little love, but things like this take time! I am excited about all the potential in this house!

Thanks for your patience since I’ve been MIA for so long!

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Why I’ve been MIA…

Ya’ll. I need to apologize. 

I had every intention of putting up a new blog post every week. I mean, I’m creative, I’m crafty, I could do that right? …Well, yes, if I wasn’t working full time while being in a show. So, here I stand (okay, i’m sitting, not standing, but “here I stand” sounds better.) Here I stand, apologizing for my lack of posting lately.

With Rehearsals or shows every night, and working during the day, I haven’t made anything creative or interesting in weeks. I’ve started a few projects, and I PROMISE, I have ideas out the wazoo. So, here is my solemn vow, “I, Emily, vow to have a creative, awesome, easy to make, upcycled, cheap blog post by the end of July. (Gotta finish my show!) This is my promise to you.”

That’s all for now, but I promise, I’ll be back with some really cool stuff!

SHAMELESS PLUG: If you live in Atlanta, come see “Cabaret” at the Gwinnett Ballet Theatre! We have a preview night on Thursday, and three more official shows this weekend!

Always Thrifty,


45 Minute Bookshelf Revamp!

So, this post isn’t what you might think. I’m not showing you how to paint a bookshelf in 45 minutes, or upcycling a bookshelf in 45 minutes, this is a much simpler concept! No getting paint on your clothes, no sanders, paint thinners, paint, or stress. Just you, your bookshelf, and your books!

We all have books and bookshelves. It’s a common piece of furniture in every home. But often, they just look junky, or as if they’ve been taken over by a mess of books arranged in no form or fashion. Maybe you’ve attempted to organize it and it’s just ended up as a mess.

Well, I have a solution!


When I ran a Thrift Store in Savannah, (Blessingdales Thrift Store, **Shameless Plug** check it out if you’re ever in Savannah, It’s easily the best thrift store in the SAV!) one way I made our book displays look more inviting was by color coordinating all the novels! It brightened up the hallway where the books were, it looked great in pictures, and honestly? It just looked, SUPER awesome.

Tonight I was really wanting to do something to do something crafty/creative to our little apartment and I thought, what’s simpler than just revamping my bookshelves?! This works better when you have a lot of books, which i do, however I have them on three different shelves so, I worked with what I had!

I took all the books off the shelf and grouped them on the floor by colors.

This is what my living room bookshelf looked like before the revamp:


Kind of just a hodgepodge of books and little collectables of both my husband and I.

This is what it looks like now!


All color coordinated except the bottom two shelves because those are all Mitchell’s Comic books and they are arranged by series, so they are just grouped together.

The top shelf where the books are small and piled on top of each other are Mitchell’s small Garfield comic books and on the other side of the photo albums are just SOME of his Foxtrot Comic Books.

The books go from Black, to White, to Yellow, to Orange, to Brown, to Red, to Purple, to Blue, to Green.

I unfortunately forgot to take a before picture of my hall bookshelf before I tore all the books off of it, but here is my after picture!


All color coordinated except the bottom shelf because it’s children’s books, and they are so small, I knew they wouldn’t have the same effect!

Looking back on it, I’m thinking I probably should have combined the books from both shelves so that the color gradient is more drastic. But for tonight, it will stay like this! I’ll update with new pictures if I decide to change it!

Do you have a color coordinated Bookshelf at your house? Office? Like? Dislike? I’d love to hear from you!

Always Thrifty,


“A House Divided” Potter Style!

SAM_1994 So, I don’t actually have pictures of this DIY every step of the way, but it’s so simple that I KNEW you guys would be able to make it even without step by step photos 😀 So, my Husband and I are pretty big Harry Potter fans and I recently went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (at Universal Studios) and wanted to bring back some souvenirs. HOWEVER, souvenirs are pricey! I really wanted to buy some really cool house pennants. However, they were like, $20. For a triangle of fabric and a house crest. There was NO way. BUT, I knew I could make them. And I was really excited to try it out. The House crest patches were only $5.00, so I bought three of them (one for my husband, one for my brother, and one for myself) for each of our hogwarts houses (Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Slytherin, respectively.) So here’s what you need:

  • House Crest (You can buy yours Here –> (Harry Potter House Patches)
  • Fabric (The color of your “house”) I used Felt because I could buy it affordably, and I knew it was sturdy. (I bought felt for .49 a piece at Hobby Lobby)
  • Small Dowels (I got mine in the sale section of Hobby Lobby for .79. YEP!)
  • String
  • Hot Glue Gun/Hot Glue

To make your House Pennants:

Step One: Cut your Fabric You’ll need to cut your fabric into a triangle that is large enough to center your crests. My triangles are about 7″ across the top. I just free-handed the size/shape. 131406376032215174blue triangle-md

Step 2: Attach your crests to your “pennants”. I hot glued my crests onto the felt. However, you can sew them on if that’s your preference. I’ve had mine up for several months and I haven’t had any issues with them coming off.

Step 3: Attach your dowel to your felt, and your string to your dowel. Turn your fabric over and put a line of hot glue across the top of your pennant, and set your dowel on it. Put another line of hot glue on the top of the dowel and roll it down so the dowel is completely enveloped by the felt. Cut your string (I used twine) and tie it to both sides and cut the excess. I also put a little hot glue there to be sure it was attached well.

Now your pennant is done!

To Make your “House Divided” sign: What you need:

  • Wood
  • Paint

Step one: Prep your wood How you make your sign is totally up to you. I took 3 pieces of reclaimed scrap cedar wood (4″ x 12″) and glued them together with wood glue to make a square sign. However you could use one piece of scrap wood, you could purchase wood and cut it. This part of the project is completely up to what you prefer. I had been given the scrap wood, so I didn’t have to buy it, and I’m all about free!

Step two: Paint on your words! I used paint pens so I could control the paint because I’m not very good at free handing with paint and I need more control 😀

Step three: Attach your string I used hot glue to attach my string because I don’t have a heavy duty stapler (it’s on my christmas list, though!) I put a fair amount of glue down and set the twine into it. I then covered the twine in more glue so it was solidified inside the glue. Again, I’ve had this hanging for several months and had no issues with it coming apart.

And VIOLA! You’re done! Hang your House divided signs and show your Hogwarts pride! SAM_1994 Did you try this? Or a variation of it? How did it go? I’d love to hear!

Always Thrifty, Emily